
We are a sectoral standardization body (ONS) recognized by the Portuguese Quality Institute (IPQ) since 1990.

National Technical Committees:

  • CT 038 – Petroleum Products, Lubricants, and Related Products, and Liquid Biofuels
  • CT 100 – Transportation and Storage of Combustible Gases
  • CT 101 – Use of Combustible Gases
  • CT 102 – Distribution of Combustible Gases
  • CT 106 – Gas Meters
  • CT 124 – Measurement of Flow Rate of Fluids in Closed Pipes
  • CT 184 – Energy Management
  • CT 203 – Natural Gas and Biomethane for Vehicle Use and Biomethane for Injection into the Natural Gas Network


Participation in international technical committees with the purpose of defending the interests of the Portuguese industry, specifically ITG members, as well as the anticipation of changes that may impact the industry.


    We are a sectoral standardization body (ONS) recognized by the Portuguese Quality Institute (IPQ) since 1990.

    National Technical Committees:

    • CT 038 – Petroleum Products, Lubricants, and Related Products, and Liquid Biofuels
    • CT 100 – Transportation and Storage of Combustible Gases
    • CT 101 – Use of Combustible Gases
    • CT 102 – Distribution of Combustible Gases
    • CT 106 – Gas Meters
    • CT 124 – Measurement of Flow Rate of Fluids in Closed Pipes
    • CT 184 – Energy Management
    • CT 203 – Natural Gas and Biomethane for Vehicle Use and Biomethane for Injection into the Natural Gas Network

    Participation in international technical committees with the purpose of defending the interests of the Portuguese industry, specifically ITG members, as well as the anticipation of changes that may impact the industry.